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New Orleans 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robershaw!! Tom and wife Kim celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a trip to New Orleans, Bourbon St. district in October. Tom had met cousin Maria Bertucci Compagno at the Ustica Reunion in Ca. Maria had invited Tom and family for a visit to New Orleans. So Maria and her friend met them there and escorted them one whole day around the town.
Kim, Tom, Maria and current owner of Vincent's Restaurant!
Tom and cousin Maria Bertucci!! This is a picture of Maria Bertucci and husband Sal, owners of Vincent's Restaurant on St. Charles St. in New Orleans for 25 years. Before then, it belonged to Sal's parents.
The Party! Maria, Kim, Chris Caravella,Tom and Maria's friend that lives downtown New Orleans!!
Chris Carvella, president of Ustica Group in New Orleans, Kim, Tom and cousin Maria!!
How about dessert? Maria, Kim and Tom going for gelato!!
Maria taking a picture in the foreground!!
Tom loves the architecture of old Churches!! Maria showed him two Churches in New Orleans!!
Above and on the left are the Alters of the two Churches. On the right is a beautiful mural on the ceiling!!
Click on the Pictures for Enlargement or click on the Flag for Page Two and Sights of Downtown!!